Monday 10 October 2016

Merlin Chronicles Update

Dear Merlin Friends,
It’s been a busy time for the Merlin Chronicles since I last wrote. The big news is that The Nature of Things – the story of Myrddin Emrys - the Merlin Chronicles Volume I was officially launched on 1 September 2016 at the English Bookshop in Stockholm. At that time, I gave a short talk on the history of the Merlin phenomenon (the same one I gave at Fantastika (Swecon) in June) and signed some books. Great fun.
More reviews have been trickling in. Here’s a great one, on Protecting Cheesyfee, posted on both Amazon and Bokus:
A wonderful story of magic, adventure and romance - with a high relevance to our time. What would Merlin do if he woke up today? Of course he would be greatly concerned for the environment. (Once he got his bearings after being out of it for centuries - don't worry, this book covers that part too!) This is the story of what he will do about it. Rhuddem Gwelin knows her Merlin well, all aspects of him. Her novel is a colourful weft, drawing on many legends, all well researched and seamlessly combined into a coherent background for this truly enchanting tale.
And here are a couple on The Nature of Things:
Fans of high fantasy, this is quite something! Set in the world of King Arthur and Merlin, this book takes you on a wonderful journey into the core of the society of all classes. This is a story of friendship, of fear, of love and, perhaps above all, of the struggle for equality and freedom. The grand plot and the highly contemporary themes are not the main focus though. It is depicted through the fate of the characters, who will inevitably become your friends and both break your heart and mend it again. The Nature of Things is, in short, full of magic of all kinds.
The story of Merlin as a child is fun but soon gets serious with the development and involvement of exciting characters and ideas.
As all this is happening I’m writing away at The Wrathful Traveller – The Merlin Chronicles Volume 2. It seems this one will be shorter than the other two, but who knows? Characters have a way of taking over a story and they just might have other ideas in their minds than what I have planned for them.
I will keep you posted!
Thanks to all of you who buy and read the books. And review them!

All the best from Rhuddem