Monday 31 August 2015

Merlin Chronicles Volume 4 now released

Dear Merlin friends,

I'm happy to announce that Protecting Cheesyfee - The Merlin Chronicles Volume 4 has now been released and is available for purchase from the publisher on the following link

If you are as enthralled with the legend of Merlin and of Camelot as I am, please share this link on Facebook and Twitter and please ask your local library to buy it.

Thank you for you support!

All the best,
Rhuddem Gwelin

Friday 14 August 2015

Coming soon Protecting Cheesyfee

Dear Merlin friends,
This blog is now called The Merlin Chronicles for the very good reason that Merlin After as a concept no longer exists. The Chronicles are of a much wider scope and the first volume to be published is Protecting Cheesyfee - The Merlin Chronicles Volume 4. This book will be available for purchase on line within a month and as soon as it is you will find the links on this blog.
In the meantime you will find a few sample pages below.
All the best,
Rhuddem Gwelin